Minimize your tax burden & maximize your net income.
Personal tax rates are much higher than corporate tax rates. With proper tax planning, our income tax accountants ensure that all deductions and credits available to you are utilized to their full extent to minimize your tax burden and maximize your net income. We offer a variety of accounting services for our clients and have years of experience with a wide range of professions.
Since personal tax rates are much higher than corporate tax rates, inadequate tax planning and missed deductions can reduce your net income and impact your personal wealth now and for years to come.
When you use our accounting services, you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that you can depend on the experience and expertise of a professional accountant to file your personal tax return and reduce your overall tax burden.
Some of the more common personal tax issues addressed include:
• Disposition of real estate properties
• Business returns for proprietors and business partners
• Prior year capital losses and business losses
• Capital gains exemption(s)
• Maximizing the principal residence exemption
• Tax considerations during divorce settlements
• Transfer of assets to adult children
• Non-resident tax considerations
• CRA disputes and tax appeals
• Ensuring all qualified medical/attendant care/disability claims are made
• Ensuring maximum childcare expenses are deducted
• Proper disclosure of rental income